Beast Masters Club Private Barrel - Widow Jane Lucky Thirteen - The Butterfly

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Beast Masters Club Private Barrel - Widow Jane Lucky Thirteen - The Butterfly


Widow Jane
Lucky Thirteen
MGP High-Rye Straight Bourbon
Barrel #2065
13 Years Old, 99 Proof

Holy shit we have two absolute BANGERS this week! First up is "The Butterfly" - Widow Jane Lucky Thirteen.

Have you tried this stuff? It's an extremely limited run of single barrels and absolutely one of the little hidden secrets of the bourbon world. Widow Jane somehow managed to score some insane thirteen year high-rye MGP barrels. And of course your faithful beasts got our names on THAT list!

Our barrel - The Butterfly, Barrel #2065 is so friggin good. Just classic MGP bourbon in all its glory. Super rich, nice and dark, just oozing honey and oak, smoky bbq, tons of mint. At 99 proof it's insanely, dangerously drinkable. Seriously don't open this bottle and leave it on the table unless you're ready for it to be gone! It's very much like the original Smooth Ambler Old Scout 10 year bourbon, except the extra three years give it even more depth of flavor. We would drink this shit ALL DAY!

What a killer! Flip this butterfly into your collection or you will regret it!

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